What to Expect After a Filling

A dental filling rebuilds the contour and restores the function of your teeth. Fillings are usually necessary because of tooth decay or a broken tooth. Usually the dentist will numb the area where your tooth is restored. It is best to wait for the numbing to wear off before chewing or having a meal. Your tooth is strong, but its highly likely that you’ll bite your numb cheek or tongue if you don’t wait.

You may experience some sensitivity after your filling. There are two sources, the nerve of the tooth and/or the gums. It is difficult for most people to distinguish where the discomfort is coming from, but here is a test you can do. If the tooth is sensitive to cold or hot and the sensation is sharp. That is the nerve of the tooth. If the tooth is sensitive to biting or you have an ache. That is usually the gums or ligament surrounding the tooth.

Temperature sensitivity should subside over time. It it doesn’t within a week contact your dentist. Ache or biting sensitivity usually doesn’t subside. In many cases the bite, or the height of the filling needs to be adjusted. This is very simply for your dentist to do and only take a few minutes. So, call your dentist, don’t wait to see if bite sensitivity goes away.

Finally, flossing is amazing and completely underrated. Often flossing consistently for a week will take away any ache or gum trouble you might have following a filling.


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